
Thursday, 15 January 2009

Compulsory phone calls suck

Phew! Deafinitely Girly has had a bit of a stressful morning, and it involved compulsory phone calls.

Now, I don’t make these very often, but there are occasions when I must – actually there is only one occasion and that is when I need to contact my bank. You see, they won’t speak to anyone else – unless I declare someone for this job and sign a form – but this is a big ask for the other person.

Anyway, yesterday evening while I was at the gym and before meeting SuperCathyFragileMystic for dinner, I missed a call from Arminta at HSBC to inform me of fraud on my card.

ARGH, I thought, and rang them straight away.

I immediately informed the HSBC bod that I was hard of hearing and they spoke as clearly as they could and told me they had received information from the fraud team to stop my card.

Aaah, I thought. That would explain why I couldn’t book my Very Exciting Easyjet Tickets that afternoon. I told the HSBC bod about this and they said that if I rang them this morning they could unlock my card and I could make that one booking on my card…

So that was what I did…

And it didn’t work…

So I rang back and got someone who didn’t speak slowly or clearly for me and had a completely unintelligible accent.

Anyway, it turned out that although HSBC were allowing my card through, Easyjet would not – they obviously have a big black mark by my details now…

And then,


the price went up on my tickets

Very frustrating, so frustrating in fact that I began leaking salt water from my eyes – terribly embarrassing to do this in your place of work don’t you think? This did not go unnoticed and one of my lovely colleagues stepped in and bought my tickets on her credit card.

It was one of the most amazingly nice thing anyone has ever done for me and it nearly set me off crying again!

But that’s not the only piece of news I have this morning. It would seem that the BBC are branching out into condiments.


Yup, if the subtitles are to be believed on BBC Breakfast this morning, it’s a top-secret recipe, too. While watching a bulletin on child services, I was informed that the BBC were protecting the identity of the sauce…

This kind of consistent crapness never ceases to make me smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that the BBC is having to explore all avenues in the current economic climate. Though I doubt that we will ever choose it over a godd bottle of Heinz!

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