
Monday, 3 August 2009

Hearing directions

Just another manic Monday, whoa-oh-oh, wish it was Sunday...

Yup, this morning is definitely a time for quoting those 80’s greats, The Bangles.

I had a cassette tape of their album as a kid that I actually wore out from rewinding and listening to Eternal Flame so many times.

Naturally, I had to make up my own words, and still sing them to this day!

So yah! The weekend! Well, in a nutshell, it was bloomin’ lovely!

Onion Soup Mate came to stay and we spent Saturday being tourists in London. If you want to know more about that, you’ll have to read my column in Hearing Times, as that’s where I’m gonna be nattering about it.

We had a lot lot lot of fun though, catching up, hearing all about her house renovations and eating gigantic pancakes. On Sunday we went for a walk around Hyde Park, and while this is where I get my countryside fix living in the Big Smoke, it wasn’t quite enough for Onion Soup Mate, who usually hails from the Wild West um... Country!

‘I need a hill!’ she declared! Cue frantic looking around by Deafinitely Girly, hoping to be the good host and provide one. But alas Hyde Park was offering no such thing.


…we took a little break by some ornate fountains overlooking Kensington Gardens and – ah-ha! – a hill!

OK, in fairness, it was a very small slope, but it was enough for me, and I think it kept Onion Soup Mate going until her return to the Wild West um... Country.

It was while we were sat on this bench, staring at the ‘hill’, that an old couple asked us for directions. They had quite strong accents so I didn’t really understand them, but they were so lovely and smiley I didn’t want to let them down.

Onion Soup Mate clearly felt the same way, and so, she listened, and then translated for me, as she doesn’t really know London very well so couldn’t tell them where they needed to go herself!

Eventually after this very longwinded attempt to help them, and their immense gratitude, we went on our way, giggling at how odd we must have seemed to anyone listening in.

A question being asked, Onion Soup Mate repeating it, Deafinitely Girly answering it.
But it worked for us, so hey, who cares!


And then, last night, Miss K cooked chilli for Friend Who Knows Big Words and me. It was splendid, absolutely splendid!

Friend Who Knows Big Words was over to drop off her bag for her impending move to Ho Chi Minh City


But it’s cool, as I know she’ll be back some time and I will make the 6000-mile trek to see her, too.

But what it’s teaching me is that things change, nothing stays the same forever. But the trick is not to be afraid. Friend Who Knows Big Words isn’t, and from now on, neither will I!

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