
Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Rainy like a Wednesday afternoon


Pah, it would seem that autumn is here – although it would seem that autumn has been here since May to tell you the truth.

I don’t like rain. It makes my knees wet when I ride on Snowboarding Boy’s bike, and it gets up my sleeves.

It also reminds me, rather bizarrely, of the geography field trips we used to go on at school. Without fail it rained then and the journey home was always accompanied by the sound of the rustling of waterproofs and the smell of wet trainers.

Anyway, tsk tsk, Deafinitely Girly has been a bit slack of late in the updating of her blog and for this, she would like to wholeheartedly apologise and make the following excuses for it:

The dog ate it – because yah, of course I have a dog

Alreet I don’t but if I did, I would like it to be a nifty little hearing dog.

The internet crashed in London and prevented me from updating it.

(Lie, lie, lie!)

I forgot how to type – see, like this – kjjhghdkhkfg jgkhg

(More lies! Oh, the lies!)

And finally…

Oh crap, it really is just because right now, blogging wise, I’m spread more thinly than Marmite on toast – not the portions I give myself because that’s more of a dollop on toast.

However, I have good news! Wednesday resolutions have been made. Deafinitely Girly will slack no more.

Check back tomorrow to erm… check if I keep them, please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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