
Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas from DG

Merry Christmas!

There should have been a post yesterday, but Ma decided to hoover the study and start tidying in here just as I began typing, and seeing as the Dyson is perfectly in my hearing frequency, I had to give up as my little brain was quite kerfuddled.

It's amazing to think how quickly it seems to be Christmas again. This time last year, I was blogging from the snowy mountains in France - and yet it seems like yesterday.

I've just enjoyed a rare video call with Big Bro and his family of Clogs in Clogland. It was so wonderful to see them all on screen - my only hope is that one day The Rents will get an internet connection that's fast enough to enable me to lipread, too. But it's great to at least be able to see facial expressions and all of Mini Clog's presents, which he excitedly showed to us.

Speaking of presents, I did rather well myself, with lots of red kitchen accessories for my new kitchen, and more than a few cupcake-themed bits and bobs for my new flat - I shall need a removal van to get it all down to London.

Big Bro also sent over two jars of Speculoos Paste! Yumski!

One of them is crunchy and I am going to add some of it to the butter icing for the cupcakes I'm making for New Year's Eve...

Maybe I should just make some for today, too!

Happy Christmas DG readers, hope you're having a great one.



Miss Brodie said...

U2! Don't know how you manage to keep it up even at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year

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