
Friday, 29 January 2010

Friday! Whoop!

Today, is Thankful Friday!

And I am especially thankful that I now have less than one week to wait for my sofa to arrive!

At the moment I have a lone armchair, donated kindly by London Aunt, but it's pretty hard to kick back and relax in, and I keep finding myself on the floor at the moment, either because I've slid out of it, or because it's just comfier.

Slowly but surely it's all coming together, and this morning when I woke up, I felt thankful that I have a whole weekend ahead in my lovely little flat.

Anyway, you've long-since been familiar with my rantings about the BBC subtitles and how rubbish they are on Breakfast News etc etc etc…

Well, this morning they were actually incredibly useful. There I was munching on my toasted crumpet when I heard Andy Murray's name. Oooh I thought, is this about who he's playing in the final of the Australian Open?

I looked at the screen for clues, and there was a cat, curled up on a blanket.

Bemused I read the subtitles, which of course were behind, being live, and sure enough, the story was about Andy Murray.

Was he playing a cat? As the first British player to get this far since 1977 or something, that would give him a sure-fire advantage.

But alas, for once the BBC had got the pictures wrong, not the subtitles.

It made a nice change…

1 comment:

Sam said...

ha ha - too funny - was that this morning? I didn't see it, but then I was rushing around trying to get the car to the garage in time!

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