
Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Key-reading the piano

Hurrah! Today us Tuesday! And that means Pa is coming to visit.

Being a super-clever music man, he's always interested in what's going on concert-wise in London... And now I've got a 2-bed flat, it means he can drive down and not have to drive back the same day.

We usually go and see Imogen Cooper, as she's his favourite, and fast becoming mine actually, but having seen her last month, we're going to see someone else tonight.

Pa always buys tickets with a view of the keyboard end of the piano, which is really good for me because it means I can key-read the music.

When it goes out of my frequency, I simple watch the fingers, how fast they're moving, what keys they're on, and that enables me to follow the music better.

I think that's why prefer piano music to anything else. I once went to see a load of violins playing Vivaldi, and there was no hope of string-reading them. It was like watching a silent movie – all action, no sound!

Never again!

I've learnt I simply have to be choosy about what I go and listen to now. It's either got to be low, or contain instruments I can read when they go out of my frequency, like the piano.

Anyone know of any double bass recitals coming up?


Anonymous said...

so glad you anmd Pa enjoyed it. Have a good time together!

Anonymous said...

Here's a deaf/hh ragtime pianist's blog

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