
Thursday, 11 March 2010

The silent, singing mouse

Phew – today is Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday and then it’s the weekend!


It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday, so I am off home to The Rents and on Saturday, I am taking Ma to a Spa – she’s having some tension melt back massage thing, while I laze around the facilities, which all sound rather fab. Afterwards, Pa is going to meet us for afternoon tea!

What a high life I lead eh?

Back to earth with a bump though, and today I am still struggling with this flippin’ cold. This morning I looked like a fish out of water as I kept dropping my jaw to try and clear my ears – with little success. It was only when the guy beside me on the bus shot me a rather strange look that I realised I must look quite odd and stopped. But the stopping seemed to make it worse and I began sneezing, lots.

At this point the guy on the bus moved.

What is it with me and frightening guys on public transport?

I suppose I should be used to making a fool of myself by now, I’ve been doing it for 28 years or so. But I think last night just about won the award for ‘Biggest fool made in quite a while’!

Shakira Shakira came for dinner and to see my new flat for the first time. Wine was poured, shepherd’s pie was eaten and the mood was jovial. It was then I picked up a soft toy mouse on the table and said to her, ‘Look what my Ma gave me at Christmas.’ I then proceeded to dance about with the mouse.

She looked at me quizzically.

‘It’s not doing anything,’ she said, trying not to laugh.

‘You mean it’s not playing a recording of Jingle Bells with a Polish accent?’ I said, going bright red in the realisation that I had just danced around the room to absolutely nothing.

‘No,’ she said, not even trying not to laugh.

This stuffed mouse is meant to play Jingle Bells when you squeeze it, but I had forgotten to do that. I can only hear it if I hold it right up to my ears, so I hadn’t realised it wasn’t playing.


Thnakfully Shakira Shakira knows me well, so she wasn’t shocked, or surprised by me dancing around the flat holding a silent mouse.

Mental note to self – No doing that on the bus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha forgot about this, cant believe how you thought it was making a sound so decided to dance with the mouse! amusing to watch!!:)i thought you just liked dancing with it!!!
Shakira Shakira

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