
Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The 'What can I hear?' game

So, no blog yesterday... sorry!

But I have been rather busy lately with the running, my column in Hearing Times – due in Friday – and a few secret projects.

Don't get me wrong, I like it that way, but I do find, if I don't get my sacred bus journey to work for some reason or other, then the blog doesn't get done.

It's Wednesday already, which is great news. Wednesday is my favourite day of the week as by the end of it, the weekend is almost here.

This weekend, I am headed to Pompey to see Penfold and DangerMouse. DangerMouse is in a bike race on Sunday so we're gonna cheer him on, and I may take my running gear and take advantage of the endless sea front.

Anyway, this morning I woke up early. Stupidly early – 5am – knowing that in order to fit in my now 40-minute session on my walk-to-run program, I only had another hour in bed.

Unable to go back to sleep, I played a game that I used to play in my old flat when lying awake at night. It's called 'What can I hear?'. Since moving to the new place, I haven't played it, and it transpires that this was in fact for good reason. I can't hear anything. I mean it's not completely silent, but in the 15 minutes that I lay there listening, I heard maybe two cars... and that was it! In my last flat, I heard two cars a second, and I couldn't hear my TV if the window was open.

It gave me some understanding of just why my new housemates in the last place used to look so traumatised after their first week of living there. To hearing peeps, it must have been dreadful!

I do like the silence in my new place... but now I need a new game for when I'm lying in bed at night unable to sleep...

Perhaps I should just count sheep!

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