
Friday, 2 July 2010

My Ross-from-Friends moment

Today is Thankful Friday.

I am thankful that my experimental peanut butter and honey chicken stir-fry didn’t poison Gym Buddy last night when she came for dinner, and that we are both alive and well at work today in spite of me entering a bus lane facing the wrong way when I was driving her home last night. At least she no longer fears death after that particular car journey!

I am also thankful that I have a relatively quiet weekend ahead – it’s London Aunt’s wedding anniversary on Sunday, so we’re going for lunch for that, and I am meeting Friend Who Knows Big Words for a lunchtime gossip on Saturday. But apart from that I will just be doing as much exercise as I can.

The reason for this is I have become a little rounded at the edges of late.

After the slimming effects of a nasty bout of Crohn’s last year, I have managed to regain all the weight I lost and add a little bit more for good measure, and it’s had a disastrous effect on the fitting of my clothes!

The other night, while walking home from work, I stopped off to use a public loo. I was hot from the walking and as I tried to pull my jeans up, I had a Ross from Friends moment. You know the scene where he wears leather pants on a date and can’t get them back up in the bathroom?

Well that was me. Stuck in a central London toilet wondering how the heck to get my jeans up in the confines of a small cubical.

In the end I did a kind of Hips Don’t Lie move and the jeans were up – but it was a moment I do not want to repeat…


So, yes, a weekend of exercise for me it is then.

And, if you see me running around the park with my egg timer this weekend, be sure to stop and say hellooooooo!

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