
Thursday, 28 April 2011

Turning 3 and going deafer

Today is another Thankful Thursday! Hurrah to all these bank holidays I say.

So firstly, I am thankful that Kate and Wills are getting married… I get a day off, get to watch the festivities with the Singing Swede and…

Nope… thanks to the timing we don’t exactly get a lie-in tomorrow, do we?

I’m off to the Singing Swede’s for breakfast bright and early and ready to watch Kate emerge in her ‘boring dress’ as it was announced on BBC Breakfast this morning.

Poor Kate.

Moving on to far more important things…

Last weekend saw another cause for celebration – Deafinitely Girly turned three!!!!!

Three years I’ve been writing this blog now, putting down my thoughts, frustrations and feelings on the screen for all your loyal people to read. Looking back through the archives it’s an amazing record of all that I got up to, from dates with boys and new jobs to birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and of course deaf mishaps.

It’s made me realise that although I sometimes don’t feel like my life is moving forward, it deafinitely is. In the last three years I have been promoted twice, bought my own flat, fallen in love, fallen out of love, kissed many, many frogs, had a very unpleasant hospital stay and lost a bit more of my hearing.

And how do I know this? Well, I have a very high-tech way of testing my hearing by erm… turning on my car stereo.

Five years ago when I got the car, I could drive up the motorway at 75mph and hear the music on volume level 25. Three years ago, I was up to 30, and in the last year or so, this has crept up to 45. At the weekend, it hit 50 and I felt like that Granny in the Specsavers Hearing Aid advert where she’s driving along breaking windows with her bass booming from her Nissan Micra.

That’s me! Deafinitely Girly, zooming down the motorway with Krezip – a most excellent Dutch band – blaring out of my stereo at such levels that the Dutch in Holland could probably hear it.

I don’t really mind that I appear to be going deafer. Sometimes it’s scary but there are quite frankly worse things in life than having to turn your TV up a tad or not being able to listen to music in the car except at earth-shattering levels.

I really should go to the audiologist and find out if there are any snazzy new aids to help me now, but I probably won’t. Not because I am dog in a manger about the whole thing, but because I like my world as it is. It’s comforting, mine, cosy and like I said, mine.

This is the world I was given and until hearing aids do more than make me fall over from the shock of how loud everything is, it is the world I am staying in.

So look out for Deafinitely Girly – three years old, car stereo blaring and completely oblivious to the sound pollution she leaves in her wake…

I’ll be the one smiling contently.

And that is what I am thankful for. You see, three years ago, I wasn’t so content. Writing was my therapy for a lot of the frustration I felt. And it worked.

So here’s to many more years of DG – here’s to the love, frogs, hilarious mishearings and everything else life has to offer.

Weclome to my world people, it’s great!


SpeakUp Librarian said...

Happy birthday DG blog! So glad you decided to write, otherwise I might never have met you.

I got up this morning at 4 am to watch the wedding. Loved it! Meant so much more to me since I was in London just last summer!

Hoping this year brings you a prince and no more frogs,

Liz said...

Yes blogging about our problems our deafness brings or we encounter, certainly helps cool our frustrations down, as well as finding it can help the next person reading it too. I never ever thought I'd still be blogging too, and other things in blog land that have since cropped up for me too.

Happy further bloggng to you DG.

Imogen said...

"...zooming down the motorway with Krezip – a most excellent Dutch band – blaring out of my stereo at such levels that the Dutch in Holland could probably hear it."

Jeez. You had me in stiches there!

Cudos for dealing with life this way!

And (no matter what else you might lose throughout its course), please, make sure you never let go of your sense of humour. It rocks!

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